Saturday, January 31, 2015

La Peine de Mort

     In French class, we recently started discussing la peine de mort. To translate, the death penalty. I am usually not one to address such a heavy topic as this, however, recently, I feel like it is time. The death penalty is such a controversial topic and therefore it is difficult to have a lucid opinion. I for one, cannot say I am pour or contre the death penalty.
     I have a very steadfast system of beliefs and values instilled in me. One of those values is that I believe that no human being has the right to take or tamper with another human's life. This is probably my strongest value. For instance, I do not tolerate war. Quite frankly, war is a stupid man's way of avoiding intelligence. If you think about the concept of war, you would see how mediocre it is. The purpose of war is to kill as many people on the opposing side in order to win. The side that killed the most people wins. Then, the winning side has the audacity to celebrate and title themselves "conquerors". In my honest opinion, this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
     Any who, back to la peine de mort. First and foremost, la peine de mort is a violation of human rights, no if ands or buts about it. I understand that the death penalty is only used for very severe cases such as genocide, homicide, and parricide. In these cases, I do agree that the death penalty should come into action.
     In the framework of my believes, I think that because someone tampered with lives, they should also be punished. However, I cannot say that killing one man would equate the loss of hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. They are not equivalent. However, if this person is extremely dangerous, they should be killed. At that point, they are no longer human. So it is only fair that they die like the mutant beast that they are. As Draconian is it sounds, it is true. When a human being takes the life of another human being, they are no longer human. They are no longer made of flesh, but of malice.

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