We all understand the importance of early childhood education. It is the root to profound intelligence. The application of early childhood education discerns from a general student to an advanced student. It is the prerequisite that no one mentions, but everyone knows is key. However, today, affluent parents take this to a whole other level.
Among other things, London is know for its world renown preschools. Excuse me, nursery schools. In London's education system, there are two types of schools. There are state schools, which we know as public schools, and there are independent schools, which we call private schools. Wealthy parents from around the world settle in London for a shot at entering one of the independent schools. Oh, you are not yet convinced that these nursery schools are highly vicious and competitive?
Parents in London wanting to register their children in independent nursery schools are urged to turn in the application as soon as the child is born. In other words, these parents apply for a slot at least three years ahead of time. In all rationality, as the parents register for their child's birth, they should also drop off an application on their way from the hospital. Procrastinating parents who wait until their child is two years old are immediately rejected as they are told it is too late.
The most interesting thing about the London nursery school application is that there is no application!
When your child is born, you call multiple nursery schools and plead for a slot in the far future. The slots are not cheap either, often rounding off at $23,000 a year! So why do wealthy parents pay so much for nursery school? These prestigious schools are feeder schools. If the child goes to an affluent nursery school, they will move on to distinguished primary and secondary schools and then maybe, just maybe, Oxford.
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