Saturday, September 27, 2014

Unconscious Bias in the Google Workplace

          In regard to the community post about unconscious bias in the Goggle workplace, the article began with stating, "Google, like many tech companies, is a man's world". Does this mean women are just living in it? As a female, I would not consider myself a feminist, however I am borderline. Nonetheless, I do believe in the social, political, and economical equality of the sexes. Honestly, is there a problem with having a desire for an egalitarian society?
       The women who work at Google work there because they are exceptionally intelligent and brilliant at what they do. Their gender is irrelevant. They produce the same quality work that any male can.  It seems to me that the workers at Google are just immature and intolerant. I am yet to hear of any scientific theory, let alone fact, about the disparity between male and female brain capacity and intellectual ability. As far as I'm concerned, a brain is a brain regardless of the person it belongs to.
       If I were working for Google, I would not consider that a safe environment. I would not be able to conform to being constantly demeaned just because of my physical attributes. Moreover, Google claims that they preform diversity training workshops to help better the workplace. Yet and still, attending a seminar every blue moon cannot teach tolerance. Respect is a value and a virtue that employers at Google do not seem to attain.
       Moreover, this leads me to question how the female workers feel. Do they have any sentiment toward their male counterparts? If there were a time to complain, would this be it? Although in all rationality, if the women conveyed their thoughts, the issue would be of a greater magnitude. It is probably smarter to just contain any position on the subject and, like the bright women they are, do the job they were paid to do.
  Warm Regards,