Sunday, November 2, 2014

Afghan Parliament Claims That the EVAW is Against Islamic Beliefs

   The Afghan Parliament claims that a legislation geared toward empowering women is against Sharia Law. The Elimination of Violence Against Women law (EVAW), according to Aljazeera America, was "implemented by presidential decree in 2009, [and] bans 22 different harmful practices against women and girls – including rape, physical violence, child marriage, forced marriage and the denial of rights to education or work." 

    This bill bans child marriage and forced marriage, two aspects that clash immensely with Sharia Law. In accordance with Sharia Law, women in Afghanistan are married at very young ages, often times before they receive their menstrual cycle. Also, women are given to older men as wives, against their will. These acts are not only accepted, they are expected and therefore customary. 
     The EVAW law encourages women to  come forth with their cases of domestic violence. However, the fear of being disowned and consequences hinders the effect of the bill. Women who fight against Sharia Law by fighting for their own rights are punished. "Women and girls who run away from home to flee abuse are sometimes considered to have attempted 'zina', an Arabic term for premarital sex, which violates religious law." There is obviously no way to win for these women. If they stay and are beaten, raped and mistreated, they feel dehumanized, shamed and disrespected. If they flee from these troubles, they are considered criminals. 
      For women in Afghanistan, there is always war and peace. An internal war with the self. The battle against insubordination, depression, loneliness, and fear. There is an external war against governmental law, however this is a silent war, crippled by fear of oppression and torture. Furthermore, there is peace. The hope that one day Afghan women will be seen as humans, equal to their male counterparts and capable of superiority and self-sovereignty. 

  • Algazeera America; December 8,2013; Marsia Taylor
  • Raw Story; May 18, 2013;
  • Care2; May 23,2013; Mindy Townsend;